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O U R   C O M P A N Y


Costruire company is the latest evolution in the history of four entrepreneurial generations, always operating in the construction sector, and has managed to unite over the years the experience and historical knowledge of the company with the new construction and operational technologies.

The company is located in Piove di Sacco (PD) and in Gorizia (GO), and operates mainly through the acquisition of construction contracts for both private and public entities, realized with its own vehicles and equipment and its trained and qualified workers; in fact, the staff is the expression of the company itself, which wants to unite the experience and artisanal tradition of the most experienced workers with the new levers formed on the latest construction technologies.

Continuous research and innovation are an integral part of our philosophy, pushing the company to equip itself with highly specialized construction and control systems, ensuring that the work is carried out precisely and quickly.

The sectors of intervention are those of the general construction, such as new civil and industrial construction, restoration, road works, sewers and aqueducts, defense works and hydraulic works, remediation works, electrical and hydro-thermo-sanitary systems.

The many years of experience, the workforce and the machinery equipment allow the company to operate in the areas of intervention in the North and Central Italy, where relationships have also been established with various consortium, allowing to grow at the regional macro level.

The company owns the following certificates:

- SOA certificate Category: OG1 - civil and industrial buildings
- SOA certificate Category: OG3 - roads, highways, bridges, viaducts, railways, subways
- SOA certificate Category: OG6 - aqueducts, gas pipelines, oil pipelines, irrigation and evacuation works
- SOA certificate Category: OG8 - fluvial works , defense works, hydraulic and remediation works
- ISO 9001 quality certification relesed by Quality Certification Bureau Italia S.r.l.
- National Register of Environmental Managers Category 2bis - initial producers of non-hazardous garbage that performs operations of collecting and transporting their own waste
- National Register of Environmental Managers Category: 10a - remediation of goods containing asbestos made on construction materials containing asbestos bound in cementitious or resinoid matrices.


impresa costruire logo bianco


Via Madonna delle Grazie, 7 - 35028 Piove di Sacco (PD)
Tel. 049 97 03 824

impresa costruire logo bianco


Via G.A. Cordon 22-24 - 34170 Gorizia (GO)
Tel. 335 53 45 089

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