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O U R   A R C H I E V E M E N T S


The company operates in the construction sector in the broadest sense, from the construction of individual housing units to large residential complexes, both in public and private, also performing renovation and maintenance in general.
A vast and now decades-long experience in the sector is a guarantee of constructive quality and professionality in all the phases of production, from the design to the production and to the delivery.




We are experts in the renovation sector for several years in Veneto and not only, this branch of building requires a lot of experience and attention to each individual case. We offer personalized services, based on the customer needs.

The company is specialize in the construction, retraining and maintenance of main and secondary roads, both in the city center and in extra-urban areas with high traffic flow, characterized by valuable floors and public lighting works.



The company can boast a long experience in the sector, being able to face the most demanding challenges without any problem. We operate on gas networks, on water networks and sewage networks. We are able to manage and structure new installations or intervene on existing, continuing the works with excellent organization and planning in all phases of the project, completing the works established in the shortest possible time.

In the field of hydraulic defense we boast a strong experience and the achievements of important projects. We have shown great competence and research of efficient solutions against natural events, guaranteeing a wide range of other river maintenance works, such as: dams, reclamation works, hydraulic arrangement.
Thanks to our planners specialized in the field of hydraulic defense, we are able to analyze and evaluate to establish the physical and hydrogeological characteristics of the ground, finding the best solution to achieve the least invasive interventions possible to safeguard the territory.


We design and execute urbanization works, creating all the necessary infrastructures for buildings in a residential area. We deal with the construction of sidewalks and green areas, penetration viability, primary black and white sewers, laying of cables and electrical cables, primary fire-fighting systems, installation of waterworks and gas pipelines, technological systems, public lighting, horizontal and vertical signage. We also carry out urbanization work such as the construction and arrangement of roads and the construction of squares, parking lots and industrial areas.

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Via Madonna delle Grazie, 7 - 35028 Piove di Sacco (PD)
Tel. 049 97 03 824

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Via G.A. Cordon 22-24 - 34170 Gorizia (GO)
Tel. 335 53 45 089

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