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C O M P A N Y   P O L I C Y



Costruire company testifies its commitment to obtain the maximum satisfaction of its customers and at the same time demonstrate respect for the environment and the commitment to health and safety of workers.

In particular, the Company considers the following principles as priorities:
to carry out its activity by continuously engaging in the prevention of pollution, in the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases, committing itself to the conformity of its work with laws and regulations.

Pursue continuous improvement in terms of environmental performance, of system performance for health and safety and more in general of the Integrated Quality, Safety and Environment System, through the definition of objectives and programs, keeping in mind of the needs of workers, employees, suppliers, customers, the expectations of the community, the evolution of laws, technical opportunities and the economic context.

In particular the primary objective set by the Direction of coop. soc. Costruire is to pursue an energy policy aimed at reducing consumption and to a more rational use of energy resources.
pursuing the satisfaction of the requirements of its products and services, in accordance with the needs of its customers, preventing accidents also by developing and maintaining plans and procedures to face the emergency.

Eliminate as far as possible health and safety risks, through the conformity with the current legislation, control of safety requirements, formation, training and, more generally, staff awareness of the risks associated with the activities, establish and periodically review the objectives and targets of the system to encourage the dialogue on the issues of Quality, Health and Safety, of the Environment towards employees, customers, suppliers and institutional subjects; favoring the choice of technologies that minimize environmental impacts and reduce the probabilityf of an accident.

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Via Madonna delle Grazie, 7 - 35028 Piove di Sacco (PD)
Tel. 049 97 03 824

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Via G.A. Cordon 22-24 - 34170 Gorizia (GO)
Tel. 335 53 45 089

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